Aqua Concorde - Aqua Concorde Water Analysis and Water Technology Ltd.
Organisation: Aqua Concorde Aqua Concorde Water Analysis and Water Technology Ltd.
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Consultancy, contractor or other service provider
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Organisation Outline:
Aqua Concorde Ltd was established in 1992 by researchers of the Department of General and Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemical Engeenering, Budapest 
University of Technology to continue the research and development on surface water treatment and process control. The main activity is the development of
analytical monitors. Leading by Dr. Tamas Cserfalvi the company developed a new monitor family based on patented technology (US 5 760 897, EP 94921769,9),
which applies Electrolyte Catode Atmospheric Glow Discharge, ELCAD atom emission light source, a new principle in detection of heavy metals. Research in
plasma physics has been performed in cooperation with the team of dr. Pal Mezei at the Department of Laserphysics in the Research Institute for Solid Phase Physics
and Optics of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.